What rhymes with cretonne

1 Syllable
ban, c-on, con, don, john, khan, man, on, scone, swan, van, wan

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2 Syllables
anon, baton, christian, cretonne, el-an, elan, head-on, headon, koran, morion, neophron, pecan, plafond, salon, soutane, thereon, upon
3 Syllables
alcoran, amazon, carillon, celadon, cyclotron, decagon, demijohn, echelon, elytron, helicon, hereupon, hexagon, looker-on, magnetron, marathon, mastodon, mesotron, octagon, pentagon, polygon, positron, rubi-con, rubicon, synchrotron, talkathon, tarragon, telethon, tetragon, whereupon
4 Syllables
automaton, diachylon, dodecagon, pantechnicon